Much madness is divinest sense to a discerning eye much sense the starkest madness ‘tis the majority in this as all prevails assent and you are sane demur and your straightaway mad and handled with a chain! ~Emily Dickenson

Thursday, July 19, 2007


As I sit in the rising plane staring down at the lights of the place I have learned to call home, I try to wrap my mind around all the things I have seen and learned in these last two years. I am startled to realize I can see the sign for ‘Giant,’ a store not unlike ‘Wal-mart,’ shimmering green in the darkness. I was there just hours before buying some tea to bring home with me. I had spent the entire morning right next door to Giant in the hospital with a friend. She had fainted at work and been taken to the hospital the night before. She had called me this morning from the hospital and asked me to return her ‘tungku’ which is a large stone shaped like the pestle from a mortar and pestle, only much larger. Heavy little thing. It’s used after a woman gives birth to help heal and re-shape the stomach. It’s heated, wrapped in special medicinal leaves and a cloth, and then pressed down on the stomach while lying on the floor. It may sound far fetched, but looking at my friend’s flat tummy might change your mind! She’s told me many times not to forget to use it when I have kids. ‘You’ll shock all your friends at home!’ she tells me.
When I dropped by the hospital to return her ‘tungku’ the doctor came in, he told her that instead of being released like she had thought, she needed an operation which would take place in an hour. The rest of her family was working, so needless to say I ended up staying. Another friend came and I was able to run a couple errands and be back just as she came out of surgery.
Looking back now I can’t believe that was me. What would have been a very stressful day, was just another day. Gone was the usual anxiety a huge change of plans would have created. I guess the relaxed nature of this culture has finally taught me something. Time spent with friends is never wasted.

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